
Quais contadores alternativo ao Google Analytics eu posso usar?

A maneira mais eficaz de rastrear suas ações de email marketing é instalando um script de análise em seu site, veja como é simples instalar o Google Analytics em seu site:


O Google Analytics é um sistema gratuito de monitoramento de tráfego que pode ser instalado em qualquer site, loja virtual ou blog.

Veja neste tutorial como fazer em 04 passos simples


O Google Analytics possuí algumas regras de contabilizar seu tráfego e nem sempre apontará o volume realmente gerado, consulte os tráfegos que ele ignora em seus termos de uso, porém é muito eficaz e muito bom para se basear e ter uma precisão de 95% de seu tráfego real, conheça outras alternativas ao Google Analytic, ainda existe esperança

inesperado anúncio do Google de uma extensão para IE, Firefox e Chrome que permite aos usuários ficarem “invisíveis” para a ferramenta de estatísticas Analytics caiu como uma bomba. Embora previsões apontem que a adoção dessa solução por parte dos usuários será baixa, para quem lida profissionalmente com estatísticas de domínios, a novidade joga contra a credibilidade que se espera de uma ferramenta do gênero.
O impacto dessa mudança ainda é desconhecido, mas desde já é bom irmos pensando em alternativas. Talvez nada mude, mas se alternativas forem necessárias, melhor se as tivermos prontas para uso. Abaixo, três alternativas ao Google Analytics.


Está em beta fechado, acessível mediante pedidos, há anos, mas mesmo assim parece ser competente e traz um plus interessante em relação ao produto do Google: estatísticas em tempo real. A qualquer momento, pode-se ver quantas pessoas estão online no site, dado esse que se junta aos já tradicionais, como visitas únicas,page views, tempo de permanência, etc.
O Reinvigorate ainda conta com uma espécie de “heat map”, que permite visualizar as áreas em que os usuários mais clicam, e tem um cliente desktop para monitoramento. Parece ser um substituto bastante competente ao Analytics, se você tiver paciência de esperar o recebimento de um convite…


Também traz como diferencial estatísticas em tempo real, mas vai além disso. Na home do serviço, existe uma tabela comparativa enorme, destacando os recursos que o Clicky tem. Exportação de dados, alertas, acompanhamento de downloads, estatísticas do Twitter, RSS, integração com encurtador de URL próprio, versão para iphone e até programa de afiliados. Ufa!
De todos testados, o Clicky tem o visual mais simples e direto. A interface é bem facilitada, e mostra sem muita frescura os dados mais importantes.


Esse não tem cadastro, nem nada do tipo, e para funcionar, precisa ser instalado no servidor. Na geração dos dados, utiliza informações do próprio servidor ao invés de colhê-los via código JavaScript. Qualquer hospedagem simples traz o AWStats pré-instalado, e o nível de detalhamento é bastante satisfatório.
Não há estatísticas em tempo real, nem nada relacionado a redes sociais, mas para quem quer dados, informações “cruas” sobre a visitação de um domínio, tem nesse sistema uma ótima ferramenta.

Outros contadores também muito utilizado por usuários estrangeiros que utilizam nossos sistemas:

Log file analyzers are the original analytics tools and summarize activity based on the http web logs. These tools are limited to whatever data is contained within the log files. If you are looking to capture more advanced analytics or analytics for ecommerce (which requires custom tracking), you will need to look at the other software and services that are available.

Analog – Their own description says it best: “The most popular logfile analyser in the world. Combined with Report Magic, you can generate even prettier reports.

AWStats – This is one of the oldest products available. If you have a hosted web site, you are likely using this in some way.  (Muito Utilizado e muito bom)

Deep Log Analyzer – This is a freemium tool that has a solid set of basic reports. The free version does not include custom reporting or report exports.

GoingUp – Free log file analysis tool and a whole bunch of other tools. They seem to focus more on SEO tools.

JAWStats – Free and open source companion to AWStats. AWStats gives you excellent data and JAWStats gives you pretty reports.

W3Perl – This is a free tool that works with FTP, Squid and Mail servers in addition to the standard web server analysis.

Webalizer – This has been around for years. It is for more technically savvy users, but they do provide a “simpletons guide to web server analysis.” (Muito Utilizado e muito bom)

WebLog Expert – This is a freemium package for log analysis. The free Lite version provides only basic reporting with no customization.

Remote Hosted Services

Lastly, there are the hosted services similar to Google Analytics. Hosted packages typically require you to include a few lines of simple JavaScript code in all of your pages. In the hosted services, they will capture the data so all of your traffic information will be in the service provider’s database on the service provider’s server.

Clicky - Real-time data, but only free under 3000 daily pageviews. For most bloggers, 90,000 pageviews per month is a huge number, so that limit is not a huge deal.

eXTReMe Tracking – The free offering provides very simple analytics without any advanced functionality like segmentation. They have a paid version as well.

FoxMetrics – In addition to real-time standard page tracking, this tool is based on event tracking which allows you to track almost anything on your pages. There is very little information available besides the home page.

GoStats – This is one of the freemium packages. The free version gives you that visible hit counter. The premium version an hide the hit counter and give you some simple analytics.

IceRocket Blog Tracker – IceRocket is best known for blog search, but they have a nice, simple, and free analytics package. Like some of the more complete packages, Blog Tracker includes referrers, search keywords and geolocation reports.

Koego – This is a different type of service. It has basic web analytics, but it also includes some good social information. It is more blog focused than most tools, but it is hard to find from the home page. (Many thanks to April for sending me info.)

Reinvigorate – This offers real-time tracking, a nice visual design of the reporting and a desktop client. They are in a private beta and there is not enough documentation to figure out how deep the analytics features are.

Site Meter – This is a freemium service that is fairly well known. The free version gives mostly basic statistics and requires a site counter to appear on your pages. They have several premium tiers based on traffic. (Bom)

stat24 – This is a freemium service, like a few others. However, the free version is very limited. There are a few premium tiers based on traffic that are not too expensive.

StatCounter – A fairly simple free product, unless you have more than 250,000 page views. Be aware that they consider themselves a web page counter, and do not mention analytics on their site even though they do provide what is considered basic web analytics. (Bom)

Woopra – A freemium service that captures real-time data and offers a desktop client. This is one of the few desktop clients available. It is free up to 30,000 monthly pageviews, but it only maintains 3 months of historical data in the free version.

Yahoo! Web Analytics – This is Yahoo’s offering of their IndexTools acquisition and provides real-time data and some advanced reporting capabilities. Obviously, you need a Yahoo account to use it.

Self Hosted Software

Self hosted software packages require more technical knowledge because you need to install and configure everything. This would include creating the database tables, installing the server software and modifying your pages to track statistics. You also need to be aware that analytics data can get large fairly quickly so you may need to purchase some extra disk space.

FireStats – Trac is free for non-commercial usage, but their restrictions on commercial use are vague enough that most bloggers would require one.

Grape Web Statistics – Another free and open source tool, and this is one of the newer tools available with v0.2 beta 2 recently released.

Open Web Analytics – An open source, PHP-based solution. It also has built-in support for WordPress and MediaWiki.

Piwik – Another open source tool that “aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics”. Probably the most mature open source package.

SlimStat – This has recently been rewritten to be faster and smaller than previous versions. It also has an XML API.

TraceWatch – Another free and self-hosted platform. It does not seem to have segmentation, but it does have path analysis which is typically not available in free tools.


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